Konferansen finner sted 22.-23.oktober 2020 på Anno Glomdalsmuseet, Elverum
Vi kan nå med glede informere om at keynote speaker på konferansen i oktober blir professor Emma Waterton fra Western Sydney University i Australia. På grunn av reiserestriksjoner kan hun ikke delta fysisk på konferansen, men hun blir med på video.
Tittelen på hennes foredrag er «Visitor Encounters With an Open-Air Museum: Negotiating Difference and Belonging». Temaet er relevant for ulike typer museum, og vil være interessant for de fleste arbeidsområdene i museene. Nedenfor er kort bio om professor Waterton.
Emma Waterton is Professor in the Geographies of Heritage at Western Sydney University, where she is also the Associate Dean, Research in the School of Social Sciences. Her research interests in the field of heritage studies have developed across four key areas:
(1) unpacking the complex set of relations that constitute the discourse of heritage and its erasures; (2) understanding heritage encounters via the application of affect theory; (3) pioneering experimental approaches for data capture; and (4) critically exploring the intersections between heritage and practices of social governance, particularly with regard to social inclusion and community engagement.
She is author or editor of twenty-two books, including Politics, Policy and the Discourses of Heritage in Britain (2010) and The Semiotics of Heritage Tourism (co-authored with Steve Watson; 2014). She is the current Editor-in-Chief for the journal Landscape Research.
Vi minner også om Call for paper: Fristen er 10. september 2020
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