Det er ennå mulig å søke om å bli nominert til EMYA-prisen for 2018. Søknadsfristen er nemlig blitt forlenget til 23. juni 2017.
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EMYA 2017 – Sveitsisk museum vant årets europeiske museumspris
MEG – Museum of Ethnography i Genève ble lørdag 6. mai tildelt den gjeve European Museum of the Year Award (EMYA) under årets seremoni som fant sted i den kroatiske hovedstaden Zagreb. Blant de nominerte var norske Rindal Skimuseum, del av Nordmøre museum.
Seremonien markerte også 40-årsjubileet til EMYA som er en av de eldste og mest prestisjetunge museumsprisene i Europa. I år deltok over 200 gjester fra 29 europeiske land. Årets europeiske museum ble overrakt EMYA-troféet The Egg av Henry Moore, som museet får beholde til neste års kåring.
Om MEG – Museum of Ethnography skriver European Museum Forum (EMF), som står bak prisutdelingen:
This is an excellent example of a living museum and a multicultural story open to everybody. After more than one hundred years since its first opening, MEG has been able to successfully transform its mission and approach its audience in a new way. Indeed, the two main guidelines driving MEG are multiculturalism and an interdisciplinary approach. The museum’s enormous ethnographical collections from all over the world are almost completely accessible online and are displayed in the most unbiased way, letting the objects speak for themselves as much as possible.
Commitment to diversity leads MEG to continue ethnographical research worldwide, on the one hand, and to plan socially engaging museum programmes in collaboration with other institutions on the other. The museum’s entire performance is based on the belief that the protection and safeguarding of cultural diversity and the heritage of different cultures must be transmitted to the broadest audience possible.
Blant museene som fikk hederlig omtale var det danske museet Den Gamle By i Aarhus:
The EMYA Judges have highly appreciated the museum’s innovative strategy, which has resulted in the development of a new museum quarter, Daily Life in Welfare Denmark, focused on the post-war period, with 1974 as the pivotal year, and based on real stories and content shared by real people.
Fra arrangementene i forbindelse med utdelingen av den europeiske museumsprisen 2017.
Alle foto: EMYA