Årets vinner av Children in Museums Awards er Tokyo Toy Museum! Vinneren av prisen mottar 5000 euro og en vandrestatuett i bronse. Dette er det ellevte året prisen deles ut, som ble etablert av European Museum Academy (EMA) og Hands on! International Association of Children in Museums i 2011.
Vinneren hylles av juryen:
The judges praised the museum for providing a wide variety of play experiences for children, exploring new pathways to enlarge subjects, developing suitable learning strategies, and working methods for their young audiences, and making their collections accessible and participatory, with a good array of both open-ended and instructional toys. Collaboration with universities, local government and the government’s Forestry agency has reinforced the museum’s belief in the power of nature and art to stimulate children’s imagination and nurture the relationship between people and trees.
Pressemeldingen i sin helhet kan leses her.
Finalistene for å motta prisen var Australian Museum, Sydney og Alice – Museum for Children at FEZ-Berlin.
De nominerte museene i 2023:
Australian Museum, Sydney, Australia
ZOOM Children’s Museum, Vienna, Austria
MAS Museum aan de Stroom, Antwerp, Belgium
Science Museums, University of Aarhus, Denmark
West Zealand Museum, Holbæk, Denmark
Alice – Museum for Children at FEZ-Berlin, Germany
MUBA Children’s Museum of Milan, Italy
Tokyo Toy Museum, Tokyo, Japan National Museum of Natural History of Luxembourg
Institute for Sound and Vision, Hilversum, The Netherlands
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Søknadsskjema for 2024 vil bli publisert på EMAs hjemmesider.