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Digitalt seminar: Weaving theory and practice; young children in museums
28. november 2024 // 13:00 - 14:00
Weaving theory and practice; young children in museums
Av Abigail Hackett, Sheffield Hallam University
When observing what children do in museums (sometimes predictable, sometimes completely surprising!) researchers and museum educators find themselves drawing together theory and practice to ask different versions of the same question: what does that mean? Good theories should make sense in the everyday. They should become illuminated, transformed and made to shimmer more vibrantly by practice. In Working with Young Children in Museums, we introduced and explored post-qualitative theories that seemed to do this. In this seminar, I will talk about my journey moving between, or weaving together, childhood theory and museum practice, and introduce some of the key themes from this research, relating to objects, place and time.
Abigail Hackett er Professor of Childhood and Education ved Sheffield Institute of Education, Sheffield Hallam University. Hun interesserer seg for rollen sted, materialitet og kropper har i små barns liv. Hovedområdet for Abigails forskning er steder for fellesskap, i samarbeid med barn og familier, hvor hun benytter etnografiske og post-kvalitative metoder. Hackett er hovedredaktør for boken Working with Young Children in Museums. Weaving Theory and Practice.
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