Nordisk museumsforbund/Society of Nordic Museums inviterer til innsendelse av bidrag til deres konferanse “Museums in Society”. Konferansen finner sted i Brønderslev, Danmark 17.-19. september 2025. Frist for innsendelse av bidrag er 15.desember.
Recent years have shown that museums have an ever more important role in society due to their great potential in including and activating many different groups of society in meaningful collaborative work on the subject of culture.
At the same time the more traditional roles as – guardians of the physical cultural heritage both in the form of buildings and in the form of artifacts – are still a large part of the museum’s DNA. The demands for what and how the museums collect are, however, influenced by the changing role as described above.
We invite you to submit papers for presentations in one of the following sessions:
A) Social sustainability and social mobility: How can museums support social sustainability and social mobility through their work?
B) The traditional role of the museum as guardian of the physical cultural heritage: How do museums become a more integral part of society in their work to preserve cultural heritage?
C) Museums as the glue of the local society: Many local museums play a key role in securing social and civic activities in the local society. How do museums handle this role now and in the future?
D)Museums of the future: How do we make the museums of the future even more relevant for society (local and in broader perspectives)? Should museums prioritize specialized collections and expertise, or aim for broader, more general exhibitions that appeal to diverse audiences? Should all museums be for everybody?
Paper can be academic or present best practice at a museum. The papers will be assessed by a committee of peers from either the academic world or the museum world.
The paper must be in either Norwegian, Swedish, Finnish, Danish or English.
Please send your paper to Museum director Anne Færch Provst at email